Monday, December 31, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Show about photographers from the National Geographic in Leiden

A revision form the archives of a visit to an exhibit at the Museums Volkenkunde, in Leiden. This is an exhibit about the photographer's eye.  The post tries to illustrate the vision of photography by photographers, and the reaction of visitor to a quite hermetic and intimate atmosphere and lighting.  The list of images, mimics my movements during the visit and conveys the idea of a kind of circular path throughout the rooms, with an impact on the final vision and memories of the visit as if it was decidedly set in a closed bubble to capture the esence of the images and show.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

e-Literate post: “Can I Use This?”

A very interesting and provocative post with a deep insight on the use of images and a revision in the era of digital connectiveness.

“Can I Use This?” How Museum and Library Image Policies Undermine Education,

by  and 

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