Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A new year to discover museums! Connections in the MET

Back from the holidays, we are facing a new year full of months and days to discover why museums are great places to search for meaning.

My first recommendation in January is the new tool from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, from the media department that is called Connections.
The main feature of Connections is a four-minute-long interactive audiovisual experience. Three additional juxtapositions of images are presented in In Time, In the World, and In the Museum.
There are three chapters in the section:

  • In Time: places works selected in a bar time for chronological meaning
  • In The World: places works against a map
  • In the Museum: places the work in relation to all the information the museum is offering for the selected piece.

I find it an easy way to get an insight on the work of museum people and a first step to understand their daily tasks on a more accessible way, with a personal approach.

Links for more info:
Connections in the Met

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