Review visits to museums after a prolongued period of time is a good exercise for refletion, photographs and videos are the main source for helping the memory to remember and reproduce the experience of the visit.
exterior of the museum |
In the post
"Indian Jewelry" exhibtion in Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden (NL) from last January, I offered the immediate review of my visit to the temporary exhibit within the museum. Months after looking ofr some images that would illustrate the use of audioviduals in museums, I have rescued these images from the main rooms of the museum that at that moment were the only ones in the main building showing part of the collection.
one of the entrances to the museum |
Other rooms were in renovation. I am keeping here in the images the sensation of ceremonial darkness that surrounded me during the visit, as well as the blue colored atmosphere that all use of audivovisuals projected in the rooms.
The huge wall-to-wall and panoramic video projections dominate the mise-en-scene and are the most powerful tools used in the display
and serve as an evolving background to the objects in glass cabinets that reflect in different directions the images and the darkness does not prevent from enjoying the beauty of artifacts showed.
Bright colors are used for the labels and panels with texts
And small screens in front of cabinets are used for texts or more audiovisuals,
This image from the post
Museum Volkenkunde Leiden - collection of hats, shows also the effect produced by the low lights.
All in all, the scenography chosen was powerful and succesful.